Clwb Brecwast / Breakfast Club
Cynigir brecwast am ddim i ddisgyblion yr ysgol rhwng 8.00 ac 8.45 (mynediad olaf am 8.30) yn
neuadd ginio’r ysgol.
Mae dewis o grawnfwyd, tost neu ffrwyth gyda sudd afal, oren, llaeth neu ddwr.
PWYSIG - Fel rhiant neu warchodwr mae'n gyfreithiol eich bod yn arwyddo eich plentyn i mewn i'r clwb bob bore.
Breakfast is offered to the School’s pupils between 8.00 and 8.45 in the School’s hall (last entry 8.30).
There is a choice of cereal, toast or fruit plus apple/orange juice, milk or water.
IMPORTANT - As a parent/guardian you are legally obliged to sign your child into the breakfast club every morning.