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Glöynnod y Gors


Etholwyd dau gynrychiolydd o bob dosbarth (Blwyddyn 1 i fyny) i eistedd ar Glöynnod y Gors. Mae’r aelodau yn cynnal cyfarfodydd i drafod digwyddiadau ac i glywed am ddatblygiadau sy’n effeithio ar yr ysgol a’r disgyblion. Maent hefyd yn helpu i wneud penderfyniadau am rai agweddau o fywyd yr ysgol.  Mae ganddynt rôl bwysig i’w chwarae gan eu bod hefyd yn gorfod adrodd yn ôl i’w dosbarthiadau ar ôl y cyfarfodydd.


Two representatives from each class (Year 1 upwards) were elected to sit on our Glöynnod y Gors council. The members hold meetings to discuss events and to hear about developments that affect the school and the pupils. They also help make decisions about certain aspects of school life.  They have an important role to play as they also report back to their classes after the meetings.


Mae Ysgol Gynradd Gorslas yn credu’n gryf bod gan bobl ifanc bersbectifau unigryw ar ddysgu, addysgu ac addysg yn gyffredinol ac rydym yn annog myfyrwyr i feddwl am sut i ddeddfu eu dealltwriaeth o hawliau plant a chyfrifoldebau mewn ffyrdd ymarferol. Mae'n rhoi profiad unigryw iddynt i drafod materion ac yn eu galluogi i weld y sut mae'r ysgol gyfan yn cael ei rhedeg. Gweithiwn yn agos gydag ystod eang o unigolion ar draws yr ysgol gan gynnwys UDRh, Athrawon, Cynorthwywyr, Rhieni, Llywodraethwyr, CRhA a llawer mwy! 


Ysgol Gynradd Gorslas strongly believes that young people have unique perspectives on learning, teaching and education in general and we encourage students to think about how to enact their understanding of children's rights and responsibilities in practical ways. It gives them a unique experience to discuss issues and enables them to see how the whole school is run. We work closely with a wide range of individuals across the school including SMT, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Parents, Governors, PTFA and many more!

Repository - Hwb

Erthygl 12 Eich hawl i ddweud beth ddylai digwydd ac i rywun wrando arnoch.



Gweithgareddau Glöynnod y Gors

Wwnaeth Gloÿnnod y Gors drefnu brynhawn coffi Macmillan gan wahodd y gymuned i'r ysgol. Bu disgyblion yn dylunio ac yn dosbarthu posteri o amgylch y pentref. Gwerthodd y disgyblion gacennau, te a choffi i godi arian i’r elusen. Cododd Gloÿnnod y Gors y swim arbennig o £250 i elusen Macmillan.

Gloÿnnod y Gors hosted a Macmillan coffee afternoon and invited the community into the school. Pupils designed and distributed posters around the village. Pupils sold cakes to pupils and the community to raise funds for the charity. Gloÿnnod y Gors raised a fantastic £250 for Macmillan. 

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Dyma Gloÿnnod y Gors yn cynrychioli’r ysgol yng ngwasanaeth Sul y Cofio yn eglwys Gorslas. Gosododd y disgyblion dorch pabi a darllen cerddi i’r gynulleidfa.

Gloÿnnod y Gors represented the school in the Rememberance Day service at Gorslas church. Pupils placed a poppy wreath and read poems to the congregation. 


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