Croeso gan y pennaeth / Headteacher's welcome
Yma yn Ysgol Gorslas ein nod yw meithrin dysgwyr hyderus, annibynnol ac uchelgeisiol sy'n tyfu ac yn datblygu i wireddu eu dyheadau. Cânt eu haddysg drwy ystod eang o brofiadau cyfoethog ynghyd â heriau pwrpasol i’w hymestyn. Anogwn ein disgyblion i archwilio, rhesymu, egluro a chyfiawnhau fel modd o feithrin a sefydlu sgiliau gydol oes allweddol.
Mae lles emosiynol a meddyliol ein dysgwyr yn greiddiol i’n hethos gofalgar ni. Hyrwyddir caredigrwydd, cydymdeimlad, parch a lles ym mhob agwedd o fywyd ysgol fel gall dysgwyr gyrraedd eu llawn botensial a dod yn ddinasyddion rhagweithiol, ystyriol, cyfrifol a hapus boed yn yr ysgol neu drwy eu cyfraniad i’r gymuned ehangach. Gwerthfawrogir mewnbwn pob un dysgwr sy'n cyfrannu i fywyd a gweithgareddau’r ysgol, ac sydd drwy hynny yn gwneud ein hysgol yn lle cartrefol a bywiog sy’n cynnig profiadau cofiadwy, ac sy’n rhoi gwên ar wynebau. Edrychaf ymlaen yn fawr at ddatblygu a chryfhau’r bartneriaeth gadarn rhwng rhanddeiliaid yr ysgol. Gyda'n gilydd, mewn ysbryd o barch, ymddiriedaeth, cydweithio a ffydd yn ein gilydd, gallwn gyrraedd a chynnal y safonau dysgu ac addysgu uchaf, a galluogi’r ysgol i ragori ym mhob agwedd o’i gweithrediad a’i chenhadaeth.
Here at Ysgol Gorslas our aim is to nurture confident, independent, and ambitious learners who grow and develop to realise their aspirations. They are educated through a wide range of enriching experiences and appropriate challenges designed to enhance and extend their abilities. We encourage our pupils to investigate, reason, explain and justify as a means of developing and establishing key lifelong skills. The emotional and mental wellbeing of our pupils is at the heart of our caring ethos. Kindness, compassion, respect, and wellbeing are promoted in all aspects of school life so that pupils can reach their full potential and become proactive, considerate, responsible, and happy citizens, both at school and through their contribution to the wider community. The input of each learner who contributes to the life and activities of the school is greatly appreciated – thus making our school a homely, vibrant place that offers memorable experiences and puts a smile on faces. I very much look forward to developing and strengthening the strong partnership between the school's stakeholders. Together, in a spirit of mutual respect, trust, collaboration, and faith, we can reach and maintain the highest standards of learning and teaching which will enable Ysgol Gorslas to excel in its activities and mission.
Mrs Angharad Vaughan-Owen